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I've received multiple Generational Healing® sessions from Andreea; each and every single one has been incredibly impactful in my own life. I knew I was operating from patterns that have been ingrained within my family lineage, but even with knowing what they were, I was unable to change it; until I received Generational Healing®. Each session has been empowering, liberating and allowed me to return to my own heart and self, while healing my family and lineage. No matter what you are struggling with, I highly recommend booking a Generational Healing® session. It is life changing.

Generational Healing® client



"I had the great honour to receive a Generational Healing® from Andreea Stefanescu.

Andreea is a very skilled, talented and intuitive Generational Healer®. She was able to connect with a female ancestor on my mother's side from 11 generations back. This ancestor wanted to come forward to assist me with a current situation I've been dealing with. There were many insights that came forward that I was able to use and reflect on. The learnings continued to come forward over the week following the session. I am so very grateful to Andreea for her expert guidance and skill to connect with the ancestors, to share the messages and bring forward learnings and healing.

If you find you are stuck or having issues you aren't able to resolve on your own, I would definitely seek out Andreea for guidance." 

Jackie Galvin



"I am so thankful to have connected with you and to experience the work you do as a generational healer.  I have had different problems with my throat off and on since I was a child. Over the last months I had a swollen gland that was becoming concerning. Towards the end of the session, and for 15 minutes after, my whole body was trembling, it felt very powerful. The messages you passed on from my ancestor helped me understand the connection to my own life.  A few days after the session the swelling went right down. I felt a release and started writing more again. I feel more energized, more peaceful and at one with the Universe. I have a knowing that you are living your life’s purpose, you are a beautiful soul.  I would encourage everyone to receive generational healing from you, it also filled my heart with joy that my ancestor had a release. When my boyfriend heard my story he immediately booked a session with you, I’m so happy he did after hearing about his experience." 

Eve Foley



"The Generational Healing® sessions were very profound and always, at the end of each session, I felt relaxed, lighter and peaceful. With each session it seems that the healing and the messages make much more sense and they 100% resonate with what I’m experiencing in my current life. So powerful, so wonderful and liberating experiences – looking forward to the next session." Andrei Z.



What emotional, mental, familial, physical and/or spiritual concerns and issues were you experiencing prior to your session?

"I was experiencing self-doubt which was stopping me from going forward and truly shinning my light."

How do you feel in your body after your Generational Healing® session?

"I felt light, relaxed, and happy."

What insights did you receive during your Generational Healing® session and how has this transformed you and your life?

"My ancestor was wheel-chair bound and came forward to heal the feeling of being useless and the guilt associated with being a burden for her son. My biggest fear has always been of living a life of survival and not contributing anything to society - in essence being useless. This brought a deeper understanding of why I feel this way despite all I do."

Would you recommend Generational Healing® to others? Why or why not?

"Yes, I would highly recommend Generational Healing® to others. I have had several sessions with Andreea and each time, I receive new insights that have deeply impacted my life. It is a profound experience that opens you up to new possibilities and new ways of being. "  Vanessa B.



What emotional, mental, familial, physical and/or spiritual concerns and issues were you experiencing prior to your session?

"I was experiencing lots of fears, from the fear of death to fear of loss (loved ones, job, friends, etc)"

How do you feel in your body after your Generational Healing® session?

"I felt very calm and relaxed, also very light weighted."

What insights did you receive during your Generational Healing® session and how has this transformed you and your life?

"I understood the message that my ancestor which will bring many positive changes in my life, outside of any fear."

Would you recommend Generational Healing® to others? Why or why not?

"Yes, I would recommend this. Healing in the past brings healing in the present and future."

Anything else you would like to add?

"I would like to thank Andreea for everything she does as a Light worker." L.A.



What emotional, mental, familial, physical and/or spiritual concerns and issues were you experiencing prior to your session? 

"Resentment, anger, unanswered questions about my generational heritage."

 How do you feel in your body after your Generational Healing® session? 

"I have had multiple sessions and now I feel lighter, a heavy burden had been lifted; new emotions replaced the old ones, only that now there are positive feelings that connect me with the past, with my ancestors."

 What insights did you receive during your Generational Healing® session and how has this transformed you and your life? 

"Speaking or writing about personal issues is never easy. As individuals we always strive to resolve past traumas or anxiety, family problems brought on by events non dependent on us or on our capacity to transform our historical heritage. 

I had entered the Generational Healing® sessions with mild skepticism; I am a teacher and thus I believe in the “tried and true”!

The transformation I’ve felt after the first session was so profound that I knew immediately that I needed to continue receiving this form of therapy. Many things had been revealed to me during and after the therapy, things that could not be known or interpreted by the therapist. As an example, a deep resentment and many negative thoughts and feelings I had felt all my life toward my natural father, had been resolved with the help of a distant paternal ancestor."

 Would you recommend Generational Healing® to others? Why or why not? 

"I warmly recommend the Generational Healing sessions to everyone that had tried to find answers to problems or heal issues that the modern medicine is only now trying to decipher. Recent medical findings acknowledge the existence of generational information deposited in our DNA."

  Anything else you would like to add?

"Thank you for your help and your professionalism!"

Diana Miklos



Andreea, I will start by saying Thank You, you showed me, with kindness, love and professionalism, a new way to see and feel. You took a veil that I had not only on my eyes but also on my soul, I could see more clearly now, and my soul feels lighter. Thank you for helping me in a moment that was the darkest hour for me. I would ask people that read this to take a chance on them and trust you in the journey of Soul Therapy®. I didn't have many expectations or didn't know what to expect when I started my journey, but I trusted you, and I knew I needed to do it and I am glad I did it.

Roxana from Maple, Ontario - Soul Therapy® client



”I take this opportunity to express my impressions after the six sessions guided by Andreea, and, first of all, I would like to thank her from my heart for her professionalism, for the profoundness, wisdom, clarity and support, and for the way she has delicately led each session.

The questions asked by Andreea during the sessions proved to be key questions, that brought a powerful reflection on each level of my soul.


She has the rare talent to dig into the depths of the human being, and to bring to the surface, on the conscious level, every unproductive mental pattern and every fear.

After 15 years of struggling with insomnia, I regained a regular sleep, and I am now able to easily manage and handle my anxieties, which rarely appear.


Words cannot express my gratitude for the huge help that Andreea has offered me.

Keep going, beautiful Soul, lighten the lives of the people who need your help!”


Raluca Pilat - Soul Therapy® client

November 2, 2020



"Profit de aceasta oportunitate de a-mi exprima impresiile in urma celor 6 sedinte ghidate de Andreea, si tin in primul rand sa-i multumesc din suflet pentru profesionalismul, profunzimea, intelepciunea, claritatea, sustinerea si delicatetea cu care a condus fiecare intalnire. 

Intrebarile puse de Andreea in timpul sedintelor se relevau de fiecare data a fi intrebari cheie care aduceau un puternic reflector pe fiecare parte a sufletului meu. Talentul ei de a forja in profunzimea fiintei umane si a scoate la suprafata in constienta pacientului fiecare model mental neroductiv, fiecare frica, este rar.

Dupa 15 ani de lupta cu insomnia mi-am recapatat un somn regulat, iar anxietatile care foarte rar mai apar le pot acum gera si controla cu usurinta. 

Cuvintele nu pot exprima recunostinta care o am pentru ajutorul imens pe care Andreea mi l-a oferit.

  Continua, suflet frumos, sa luminezi vietile celor care au atata nevoie de tine,

cu mult drag"

Raluca Pilat - Soul Therapy® client




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